Collecting money

Women For Mission collected SEK 139.250 during the year 2016 through sales, basaars, individual gifts, wills and other measures.

The money is channelled through Church of Sweden to different projects around the world. In all these projects women are the target groups. Women often live in a vulnerable situation economically, physically and psychologically. By having access to medical care, credit, education and social fellowhip their situation can improve considerably.


These projects are supported by Women For Mission.


For a life without pain - Christian Council of Tanzania is working in the districts of Serengeti och Rorya to diminish female genital mutilation and other forms of gender related violence.

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The Lutheran Church in Zimbabwe is organising Home Care for the Sick kyrkan i Zimbabwe. It is based on voluntaries who visit especially HIV-infected people and help them in their homes.

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Prevent violence against women - The Church of Swedens and the ACT alliance are helping the women organise self-help groups so they can support eachother in improving their situation and ultimately demand their rights against the authorities.
Mentor Mothers - experienced mothers help exposed or vaulnerable mothers to improve the health of their children.